Ap psychology

Monday, September 18, 2006

It may be in our genes

1. What is the thesis of the article? (One or two sentences only.)
Men are designed for transmitting genes to the next generations and women seek the protection, resources and genes of multiple men.
2. In what ways are the strategies employed by men and women to pass on the next generation at odds?
Men tend to find many partners to pass on their genes to pass on the future generations. “The human mind, like any other organ, was designed for the purpose of transmitting genes to the next generation; the feeling and thoughts it creates are best understood in these terms.” For women, they tend to find multiple partners for multiple protections. “When you have lovers, one brings you something and another with money, another with breads. Your husbands do things and give them to you.”
3. What conclusion does the article draw about monogamy?
The partner tends to have one partner through out his/ her life, this is because of the moral factors that influences in us. We are educated this way, so we stay with one partner for the rest of our life. But without this moral factor, we would find multiple partners to pass on our genes or seek for multiple protections.
4.) In your own words explain the last paragraph of the article.
We are moral such as self awareness, memory, foresight and judgment. If the moral judgment in us is stronger, we would not find multiple partners, because nurture overcame the nature in our genes. But if we do have not enough moral judgments we tend to go seek for multiple partners.
5. What are you personal reactions to the article?
My personal reaction was that we are born to spread my seeds to multiple partners. We stick to one partner for about 5 years to spread our genes and then seek for another partner. For women they tend to have multiple partners at once for materialism needs and protection. But I believe that if you have enough self control, you could control your own desire and stick with your partner for the rest of your life.

Our Cheating Hearts

1. What is the thesis of the article? (One or two sentences only.)
Men are designed for transmitting genes to the next generations and women seek the protection, resources and genes of multiple men.
2. In what ways are the strategies employed by men and women to pass on the next generation at odds?
Men tend to find many partners to pass on their genes to pass on the future generations. “The human mind, like any other organ, was designed for the purpose of transmitting genes to the next generation; the feeling and thoughts it creates are best understood in these terms.” For women, they tend to find multiple partners for multiple protections. “When you have lovers, one brings you something and another with money, another with breads. Your husbands do things and give them to you.”
3. What conclusion does the article draw about monogamy?
The partner tends to have one partner through out his/ her life, this is because of the moral factors that influences in us. We are educated this way, so we stay with one partner for the rest of our life. But without this moral factor, we would find multiple partners to pass on our genes or seek for multiple protections.
4.) In your own words explain the last paragraph of the article.
We are moral such as self awareness, memory, foresight and judgment. If the moral judgment in us is stronger, we would not find multiple partners, because nurture overcame the nature in our genes. But if we do have not enough moral judgments we tend to go seek for multiple partners.
5. What are you personal reactions to the article?
My personal reaction was that we are born to spread my seeds to multiple partners. We stick to one partner for about 5 years to spread our genes and then seek for another partner. For women they tend to have multiple partners at once for materialism needs and protection. But I believe that if you have enough self control, you could control your own desire and stick with your partner for the rest of your life.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Everything psychological is simultaneously biological
Every psychological event occurs has a relationship the biologic.

The nervous system is complexity build from simplicity
The nervous system a build up with several complex system, it is link to other part of the neurons to from a complex system. The nervous system is simple in a way that it could only determine to fire or not fire.

The brain is both specialized and integrated.
Parts of the brain are specialized to work in certain ways. Both brains have to work together to function complex tasks.

The nervous system is plastic especially at early ages of development
Babies have more neurons to learn, it could be able to produce any kind of sound during the babbling stage. Adults have less neuron but they are linked together in complexity.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A boy without a penis

During the 1960s -1970s the population tends to believe that nurture is more important than nature in determining gender role. “Catch them early enough and you can make them anything you want”.

A boy without a penis is as tragic story of a boy who was raised up as a girl. For many years, this case was considered a ultimate “psychosexual neutrality at birth” (quote from “ The new England journal of medicine”) Early case studies has shown that in contrast to him twin brothers, he seemed to develop as a “real girl”. When she reached the aged of 14, he was pretty sure that she was a boy through all her tomboyish acts. (Such as: “urinating standing up, which usually made a mess in girl public toilets”) After being told the real story of her birth and sex change, she immediately decided to live as a boy again. Her reaction has invalidated the theory of psychosexual neutrality at birth.

I believed that the Diamond and Dr. Keith ruin the boy’s entire life. He was teased about her tomboyish acts and behaviors (her behaviors showed the dominance of nature over nurture). Diamond should have never concluded his incorrect hypothesis and conduct the experiment on the boy turning him from a boy to a girl. Without proving that his hypothesis was valid, he should have never conducted this sex-change procedure.

In this tragic story “a boy without a penis” clearly identifies the fact that nurture could never over come the power of nature. I believe that nature is much more important than nurture. A person’s behavior could not be influenced by the outside world; his or her behavior is control by his/her genetic traits.